Friendship SMS/Text Message page 09

A stone dropped in
water in a moments
its gone
there'll b 1000 ripples
circling on & on
2day im here
2morow im gone
there'll b 1000
memories echoing on & on

When u rise up,
Your friend know who you are.
When you fall down,
You know who your friend are.

I don't regret the things
I have done and the things I didn't do.
For somewhere along the way
I must have done something right coz
I ended up with a friend like you.

All friends are not True.
But true friends are very few,
Which includes U.
Why do we close our Eyes
When we Pray
When we Cry
When we Dream
When we Kiss
Because the Most BEAUTIFUL thing in life are not seen.
But felt by the heart!
DEFINITELY U, My Friend :)!

When you love someone more than they deserve,
you always end up with more pain than you deserve.

Alexander said:
"Sacrifice is greater than Love,
Character is greater than Beauty,
Humanity is greater than Wealth...!
Nothing is greater than Good Relations,
And Good Relations don't necessarily mean finding Similarities...
Its just about respecting Differences.

A line knows no end
until u put a stop to it,
let our FRIENDSHIP be that line
let make sure that it'll go on & on for ever.

Are Like
They Brighten Your
After You Have
Gone Through A

FRIENDS are the thermometers
by which
we may judge
the temperature of
our fortunes

F- field of love
R- root of joy
I- island of God
E-end of sorrow
N-name of hope
D-door of understanding
that’s why you are my good friend

1 Stone is enough 2 break a glass,
1 sentence is enough 2 break a heart,
1 word is enough to fall in love &
1 friend is enough to live in this world.

crush it,
twist it,
squeez it,
beat it to pulp;
all that u'll get only

When you're down,
I'll be there to cheer you up.
When you're tired,
I'll be there to lift you up.
I'll be your friend no matter what!

I was never tired of this life
and it's not gonna matter if
I fall down twice, coz I know each time I fall,
you won't let me hit the ground.
Thanks for being around my friend.!

In short u r
a complete BAR
of friendship.

True friendship is like sound health;
the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.


I have a pen which is blue,
I have a friend which is you.
Flowers will die, waters will dry,
but our friendship will never say goodbye.

Colors may fade, the sun may not shine,
the moon may not be bright,
heartbeats may stop,
lives may pass but our friendship,
I'll treasure 'till the day my heart stops.

Girl cares the most, for every
relation in her life,
if she doesn't care about you,
be sure you never touched her heart

No distance of place
Lapse of time
Can lessen the
Of those who are
Thoroughly persuaded
Each others worth ... :)

Best friends are like pairs of scissors...
When together they often go in different directions
but they give punishment to those
who dare to come between them!!!

A Good Heart & Good Nature are
Two Different THINGS
A Good Heart Can Win Many Relationships
But Good Nature
Can win many Good Hearts:-)
Have a bless day..

If Ever There Is A 2morow
When We Were Not 2gether
There Is Something
You Must Always Remember
Even If I Were Apart
I'll Always Be With You ...

If I Could Choose A
Dream For U
It Would Be The Kind
Of Dream U Deserve
A Dream That
U'll Find That Special
Person Who'll Make
Ur Life Complete

Friends change, I know they do..
but this friend will always belong to you..
Friends hurt I know they do..
But this friend gets hurt more without "YOU"!

Never abandon old friends.
They are hard 2 replace.
Friendships is like wine:
it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER.
Just like us... i get BETTER, u get OLDER.

There r lots of people around u
some of them r important 4 u,
out of these some people few r more important 4 u
and out of these few people
1 is most important 4 u
4 me that 1 is u my sweet friend.

Make your life a house your heart can live in.
With a door that is open to receive friends.
And a garden full of memories €¦
of many good things.

In life, we meet a lot of people,
make friends with few
in those few
some touch our life
in such a way that
their presence is felt
in their absence...!

Crazy days and screwed up nights,
Tons of Crushes and stupid fights,
Secrets we will take to the grave,
Pictures we will forever save,
Through thicks and things,
Always true.
*FRIENDS forever, me n U*

Are Like
Lives Pieced Together ,
Stitched With Memories ,
Bound By Love

A deep friendship is like a rainbow
when the perfect
amounts of
happiness & tears
are mixed,
the result is a colorful
bridge between two hearts

are the link between
ourselves and the road to
joy ,
success ,
without them we are lost

Hand grasps at hand
eye lights eye in good
great hearts expands
grow one in te sense
of this worlds life.

Years may fly,
tears may dry,
but my friendship with u
will never die.

Most people walk in and out of your life,
but only FRIENDS leave footprints in
your heart.

The best feeling in the world is
when you think that ur friend forgot you
you receive a msg from ur friend saying
"Hey I am Missing you "

A moment of joy spent
under a willow,
The tear of eye that
wets your pillow,
Sometimes pain
Sometimes pleasure
When given by Friends,
Both are treasure !

Friendship is a promise made in the heart.
Unbreakable by distance.
Unchangeable by time.
Its lovely to have u as one !

Treat life as sea, your heart as sea-shore,
And friend as waves.
It never matters how many waves r their,
What matter is which one touches the shore...

Some friends forget
Some move away
Some keep silent
Some just change
But I'm not 1 of them.
I'm here just 4 two moments
.. now & 4ever...!!:)

~ A Wish For A Sweet Friend ~
May The Sun Always Shine
On Your Windowpane
May A Rainbow Be Certain
To Follow Each Rain
May The Hand Of A Friend
Always Be Near You
May God Fill Your Heart
With Gladness To Cheer You

One day my brain asked me "Y R U SENDING MSGs
to that person who is not messaging u?
but my little "HEART" said to brain
"U" NEED msgs but i need "FRIENDSHIP"

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