Friendship SMS Collection 901-950

One tree can start a forest, One smile can start a relationship, One touch can show luv & care & One person like U can make life worth living
Old friends are gold....!New frinds are diamond.If you get diamond don't forget the gold.B'coz To hold a diamond you need a base of Gold
If anyone ever asks me what the statement Life is BEAUTIFUL meant to me, I would just put my arm around your shoulder, hold you close to me and say This is it !!!
Did u know that tears can sometime be more special than smiles?For smiles can be given to any one but tears are only shed for people we dont want to lose…
Treat life as a sea, heart as a seashore and friends like waves. It never matters how many waves are there? What matters is which one touches the seashone
In the rhythm of life we sumtimes find ourselves out of tune, bt as long as there r frenz to provide the melody... the music plays on!!!
When god made parts, he thought of hearts. And for each heart a sweetheart. And among those sweethearts he made 1 sweetest heart, And That's Ur's.
If I ever sent U a bunch of roses I will put a fake one in between and will say our friendship will last till the last one dies!
Time isn't what makes a friendship last, its care & devotion that keeps the tie between the souls. True friends never part, maybe in distance but never in heart...
A deep friendship is like a rainbow. When the perfect amounts of happiness & tears are mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between two hearts.

LIFE without FRIENDS is... L-onely I-nsecure F-ull of doubt & E-mptiness LIFE with FRIENDS is... L-ight & easy I-nspiring F-ull of hope & E-nthusiasm dats why I need YOU!
Our friendship means so much to me that if we were the last people on a sinking ship and we have only one life jacket, i'll mm............ ummm......... i'll miss u yaar…
I live by faith and not by sight. So whether I see u or not, sms u or not, I know that u r still the same….a friend worth keeping.
No one can ever promise u they’ll never hurt u, because at one time or another it’ll happen. The real promise is if the time u spent 2gether will be worth the pain in the end.
Sum frens r separated by time, sum by differences, sum by distance, sum by pride, but no matter how far u r and how busy we may be u’ll always b special 2 me.
When God gave us friends he tried to be fair. But when I got you I got more than my share
I asked a tear while it rolled down my cheek. Why do u appear when I am in a crowd, can’t come when I am alone? It said, “I find u all alone in the crowd.”
Sometimes I forget to ask How are U? Sometimes I even miss 2 say Hi ! But it doesn't mean that I forget U...I'm just lazy....Like U !!!!
Y'day one tear came out of my eyes. When I asked y u came out..then it said that there is somebody in ur eyes hence no space remains for me....
Dive into my eyes and u will find an ocean of love and in it a boat of friendship waiting 4 u 4 a non stop journey into the core of my HEART.
A stone dropped in water in a moment its gone. But there will be a 1000 ripples circling on and on. 2 day I am here, 2 morrow I am gone but there will be a 10000 memories echoing on and on.
Court order! U r accused of crawling into my heart n hijacking my smile with ur cute sms. How do u plead? Guilty! U’re sentenced to b my friend 4 life. Sorry no bail.
Life is a book we all read it.. Friendship is a blessing we all need it.. Alwyz be happy alwz have a smile.. Remember in this world we r just for a while
A fresh yellow rose goes ur way filled with a nice blend of sweet memories, through feelings, intense emotions, love, faith and wishes for an ever lasting friendship with you dear. HAPPY ROSE DAY.
If you want to be happy for a day get a date, Happy for a week get a lover, Happy for a month get married, But if u want to be happy forever gat a friend like me.
7 days make a lovely week, 4 weeks make a lovely month, 12 months make a lovely year and knowing someone like u makes a lovely life.
U know what angels do? They take care of nice people on earth. I told the angels 2 take care of u, she said “NO” U know why? She said angels don’t take care of angels.
If you say RUN I will ask you how far If u say SWIM I will ask how deep If u say JUMP I will ask you how high If u say GO AWAY I will say NO WAY U r my friend … I will stay.
A friend is an angel, Someone that is true, an angel I love and who loves me too, Someone who cares about everything I do, A friend an angel, to me that’s you.
1000 of friends I make, Everyone’s hand I shake. But real friends are few and The best is ……U
Relationship is like a garden. It’s beautiful when watered with love, hugs, tears and cheers. But it dries up if left untouched. Keep in touch always.
Words begin with ABC,, number begin with 123,,,,,,, musik begins with sa, and,,,,, friendship begins with U,,, AND,,, ME,,,,
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine.
Whenever u feel lonely, U need a shoulder to cry, U need someone to believe... Just let me know. We are not together, but don't forget we are under the same sky.
What makes some people DEARER is not just the happiness that you feel when you MEET them, but the pain you feel when you MISS them…..
It's not an achievement to make 100 FRIENDS in a year but an achievement is to make a FRIEND for 100 years & I know I've made ONE, that's YOU.
No scale can measure our friendship, coz though one can see where it starts, nobody can ever see where it ends.
There r 8 billion people around the world. I don’t know why I keep on messaging u. may be because 7999999999 can’t replace a single friend like u.
A very special m8 of my heart all da c u wiv a happy smile makes my life feel worthwhile.warm & carin ur feelins glad i av a m8 like u!
ur a mate wiv a heart of much u mean to me can never be told.ur sum1 2b talked bout so sweet and true.1 in a million dats u
i cant txt u roses or fax u my email u kisses but wed stil b apart.i luv u 2 pieces n just wish ud c dat i care 4 u so much coz u mean da world 2 me.
Wen life changes & we go our separate wayz.u will still be in my heart til my dyin dayz.i tell no lie dis is true.da world has nva seen a freind like u.
If u ask me for how long i’ll be ur friend? My answer will be i don’t know. Coz i really don’t know which is longer, forever or always!
Friends are special treasures of heart. They make you feel loved, needed and secured. It’s often not said but felt.
To share what is difficult. To heal what is hurting, To think what is not possible, To understand without even talking. Is the miracle called Friendship.
U may have someone in your heart, Someone in your drams. Someone in your life but I am someone for you when you have no one. Your friend.
What is the true meaning of friendship? Where there are no compromises in telling the secret and when there is no secret for which you need to compromise.
Friendship is a bridge between U & Me. When you are sad and lonely cross it I will wait on the other side 4 ever and if u r afraid, just tell me, I will cross it for u.
My friendship with you ………..ends only when this msg comes to an end…… I REPEAT!!!!
Who is a friend? First Relative in Every New Difficulty and joy.

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